Thursday, November 20, 2008

Feeling a little sombre lately...

The last couple of days have really brought me down and made me sit and reflect. With the storms in Brisbane, the wharf tragedy and the mother dying after the balcony collapse as well as most of my weekends spent cleaning and packing up our beloved holiday home as it gets closer to auction date, I find myself saying over and over why do these things have to happen? The sale of our home is a completely seperate issue but I feel with the news tragedy's, these poor people have been made examples of....In the cruelest of ways.
As a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend, It sadens me that it's times like these that really hit me hard and make me give so much thanks for my life. My heart is absolutely aching for the families who are in so much pain and sorrow right now but I suppose I shouldn't dwell on it too much and really enjoy and embrace the good health and happiness my family endures.
My woes with the sale of our lake house seems ever so trivial compared to the greater picture but nevertheless it's still a hard time in my life.
I thought I'd post some more pics of our "happy place". It's nothing fancy, most of the furniture remains from when my grandparents resided. As it was used as a weekender after their passing we never felt the need to refurnish it. My mother for a long while had plans to retire there herself and renovate it then but she has now since decided she wants to retire closer to the city, and us, on the northern beaches of Sydney, where all the action is... And I don't blame her. This unfortunately means she needs all the money she can get as this area aint cheap. She's worked extremely hard all her life and always put her children and grandchildren first so now is her time and she truly deserves the best retirement possible.

As you can see for 26years we have enjoyed the most beautiful panoramic views of Tuggerah lake. Bird life is in abundance here and my favourites are definately the pelicans and black swans.

There are no fences ajoining the properties.

I love to sit and read at the dining table and stare out the window as the sun sets.

The main livingroom is very open plan. Something quite new of it's time in the 80's.

My grandfather built all the kitchen cabinetry himself downstairs in the garage. It still looks brand new even today 26yrs later. If I lived here permanently I would keep the cupboards but paint them white and replace the counter tops, knobs and flooring.

My mum's room.

My grandparents old room...bedroom 2.

The bathroom definately needs updating but it is clean and functional.

It'll be another busy weekend for me but I plan to make the most of it. I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful happy, memorable and safe weekend too.
images courtesy of


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