It was another glorious day treasure hunting at my local fleas today. Brook and I were up early bright eyed and bushy tailed. What is it with me and white these days?! One week it's globes, the next it's boats and now it's all things white lol.
These little tea light lamps were so sweet and have the lovliest detail on the base. Perfect for some flickering ambient lighting on my bathroom vanity.

I actually already had this darling little czechoslovakian clock from a previous flea market trip a year ago but that one I bought broken with the intention of fixing it. It sat on my bedside table and I never got around to taking it to the watch maker. When I found an identical clock I snapped it up cause this one does work lol. They have such beautiful detailing and I love their delicate shape. Now I have one for my bedside and one to display with my other white collection of quirky objects :)

Another purchase was this little fishing basket complete with rusty fastening hooks. I'm also a sucker for wicker, have I ever mentioned that? lol

I think I'll sit it under my chippy table for awhile so I can sit back and admire it.

My favourite purchase for the day was this cast iron fireplace base (A hearth I think it's called). It's about a metre long and has lovely ornate detail and just the right amount of patina. I plan to flip it upside down, take the tin base off and fit a new piece, attach some brackets and use it as a shelf for art.

Todays purchases cost me less that $50 and I am chuffed!
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend :)
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