Over the next 3 days I will feature 3 stunning apartments that will make you feel giddy and curl your hair lol. If they don't bring the girlyness out in you I don't know what will lol.
This room combines my love for gold gilt frames and cluster walls, plush draping curtains, chandeliers, needlepoint pillows and of course tufted furniture!

This apartment is filled with the most beautiful lighting. Floor lamps this beautiful are just so rare. I spy another needlepoint and a gorgeous vintage tin on the window sil.

Another beautiful armchair with stunning brocade fabric and again more whimsical accents.

I can hardly speak when I view this image so lets just sit and marvel for awhile :)
A doorway to the best rest of your life.

A heavenly bedroom wouldn't you say? I am smitten with all the vintage treasures, and I dream to someday have the French version of this bed.

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