Monday, November 10, 2008

A mother and daughter's day of fun!

Yesterday I granted my 9yr old daughter Sophie permission to skip school and have a mother and daughter girly day in the city.

Our ultimate destination was the High School Musical 3 premiere but I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and have our hair done at the newest, hippest hair salon on the block - Brad Ngata at The Ivy.

As you know I've been following the progress of this salon since it's early design stages as I LOVE the whole Marie Antoinette concept and the fact that it just doesn't look like your average hairdressers with posters and clutter.

Tucked away down a little lane you can't help but stop and peer through the window at the pure eye candy that awaits you inside. I have to say though, it's alot smaller than I thought it would be but the floor to ceiling bevelled mirrors are a classic example of opening up a small space to appear much larger. I never felt closed in at all.

I loved the private wash room with the reclining chairs and dimmed lights....sooo relaxing.

The chairs are gorgeous with their studded faux jewels but apparently very impractical as they recline alittle and not appropriate for straight cutting. I've never actually had my length cut while standing up before lol.

My daughter Soph enjoyed a sweet hot chockie in a pretty tea cup and waited ever so patiently for her turn while I had my hair cut, dried and curled. We were the only two customers at the time, (monday is the best day to go if you don't like crowds) and we had a great time yacking and laughing about all matter of things with our champion stylist Travis and co-worker Trang.

A couple of hours having your hair fluffed and spritz is hungry work so next door to the salon was this amazing cupcake store and we couldn't resist.....YUM!!!!!

The next couple of hours we walked around the beautiful shops Sydney CBD has to offer including the magnificent Queen Victoria Building. Would you believe though not one purchase was to be had! I know crazy huh? To be honest with you I really didn't want to have to carry bags once we got to the premiere.

(image courtesy of wireimage)

The premiere!! What a wonderful experience for her. When we got there it was already very crowded. I thought there was no way Sophie was going to see anyone over everyones head. To our surprise a lovely man we were standing next to told us his daughter was at the front and Sophie could probably squeeze next to her...and she did!

Here is Soph and her new friend Caitlyn waiting IMPATIENTLY for the arrival of the HSM gang :)

(image courtesy of

Sophie managed to get everyones signature except ZAC's!! but she spoke to all of them. She even met little Bindii Irwin awww :)
My photo's were completely horrible but I found the image above that just shows Soph in the bottom left hand corner :)

A quick photo with one of the cheerleaders as we left. It was a truly magical and memorable day.
Sophie couldn't wait to go to school today and show off her autograph book as well as her curly hair lol.


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